🤷‍♂️ Are you searching for a roadmap to discover your true purpose and unleash your full potential?

🤷‍♂️ Are you tired of being held back by adversity and ready to embrace resilience to overcome any challenge?

🤷‍♂️ Are you seeking guidance and spiritual connection to navigate life's uncertainties and align your life with a higher plan?

🤷‍♂️ Do you have a burning desire to make a lasting impact, create a life of relevance, and leave a meaningful legacy?

N5,000 (Original Price)
N2,500 (New Year Great Discount)


What they say

Life Makeover is a lovely and easy to read Manual for anyone that needs perspective that would help them get things done. I recommend this book for everyone and anyone that really want to change their life.

We all often need a makeover to crossover life hurdles and that is why you can use this book to help you scale. Don't just read this book but dare to use the principle to upgrade
your life.



I have worked with Olabisi Lawal for over a decade. I can confirm that he is a practical life coach with a depth of experience to show for it.
Reading this classic goes further to proof to me the enormity of his outstanding foresight, based on unusual insight with the benefit of reflective hindsight. It is a must-read for all.



Life Makeover unveils a step-by-step process to achieving unlimited progress and success. I congratulate you on this impactful project.
I believe that this book will transform many lives, break limitations and add value to humanity. Pastor Lawal, thank for inspiring us.




My dear friend, I am thrilled to share with you the remarkable insights awaiting you within the pages of "Life Makeover - Remodeling Your Life For Relevance." In the spirit of my work, this book is a heartfelt invitation to embark on a transformative journey towards personal growth and purposeful living.

As we dive into its contents, you will discover the power of self-awareness, resilience, and aligning your life with a higher purpose. You'll embark on a profound quest to unlock your true potential and infuse your days with profound meaning and fulfillment.

Drawing inspiration from real-life stories and practical wisdom, you will learn to overcome adversity and rise above setbacks. Together, we will explore the intricate connection between spirituality and personal growth, discovering how faith and inner guidance can elevate our lives in magnificent ways.

"Life Makeover" serves as a roadmap to create a life of significance and impact. It equips you with the tools to navigate life's challenges and transform them into stepping stones for growth. Guided by the principles of integrity, character, and personal responsibility, you will design a life that beautifully reflects your authentic self.

Imagine the joy of remodeling your life into one of purpose and relevance. Let the pages of this book be your companion on this remarkable journey of self-discovery. Together, we will awaken your inner architect, crafting a life that brings you immeasurable joy and leaves a lasting legacy.

Get ready, my friend, for a delightful adventure towards self-mastery and living a life of extraordinary purpose. It's an honor to be by your side as you embark on this magnificent path of transformation.

N5,000 (Original Price)
N2,500 (New Year Great Discount)

more in this book

  • Unleashing Your Potential: Discover how to tap into your unique talents, passions, and values to unlock your true potential. This book guides you on a journey of self-discovery, helping you realize the extraordinary capabilities that lie within you.

  • Overcoming Adversity: Learn how to embrace resilience and navigate life's challenges with grace and strength. Through inspiring stories and practical strategies, you'll gain the tools to overcome setbacks, face fears, and cultivate a mindset that propels you forward.

  • Aligning with Higher Purpose: Explore the profound connection between spirituality and personal growth. Discover how aligning your life with a higher purpose can provide guidance, meaning, and a sense of fulfillment on your journey.

  • Creating Lasting Impact: Design a life of significance and relevance by making a positive impact in your personal and professional spheres. This book equips you with practical tools and principles to leave a lasting legacy, harnessing your unique gifts to make a difference in the world.

N5,000 (Original Price)
N2,500 (New Year Great Discount)

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N5,000 (Original Price)
N2,500 (New Year Great Discount)


What they say

Pastor Olabisi Lawal has done a phenomenal job in putting this book together, which has been intelligently arranged in alphabetical order for sequential understanding and assimilation.

Every page in the book is coated with doses of inspiration that will give you the impetus to keep you going regardless of the hurdles you may encounter on your success journey. The LIFE MAKEOVER book comes highly recommended to everyone who wants to make his or her life count on this side of eternity.


Founder/CEO, LIFEPAGE Group

I heartily commend the author for choosing to inspire people of the world on basic but crucial personal development touch points. I have no doubts that this is one content, whose time is apt ... considering the current
generation; where people would rather see things differently.

With his job done, the author leaves you and I the choice of what version and quality of persons we opt to become. I, therefore, recommend this book to all purposeful hearts and minds, who are decided to be built to last. I recommend it to all forever learners like me. I recommend it to people, who will stop at nothing to defeat mediocrity and to arrive at the very best of their potential.

Bosede Olusola-Obasa

CEO, 1st Royal Character & Values Ltd